VLC Media Player Shortcuts Updated

VLC Player एक प्रसिद्ध  Media Player है। इसे फरवरी 2001 में जारी किया गया। हम इस  Media Player का उपयोग वीडियो और ऑडियो के लिए करते हैं। जैसा कि आप जानते हैं कि ज्यादातर सॉफ्टवेयर की अपनी शॉर्टकट कुंजियाँ होती हैं। उस तरह VLC Player में भी कुछ महत्वपूर्ण Shortcuts होते हैं। आपके कीमती समय को बचाने के लिए शॉर्टकट कुंजियाँ बहुत अच्छी हैं। आप अपने माउस को छुए बिना भी कई क्रियाएं संचालित कर सकते हैं।

VLC Full Form - VideoLAN Client

VLC - Release February 1, 2001

VLC Media Player Shortcuts Updated

Here is VLC  Player Shortcuts Keys 

File Operations
  • Ctrl Key + O : You can open a single file.
  • Ctrl Key + F : Open your folder
  • Ctrl Key + D : Open disk
  • Ctrl Key + Shift Key + O : Open multiple files.
  • Ctrl Key+ C : Open your Captured Device.
  • Ctrl Key + V : We can open a  position where copied a task to clipboard.
  • Ctrl Key + N : Open network stream
  • Ctrl Key + R : Can convert any file.
  • Ctrl Key + S : You can stream your media on Internet Or locally.
Program Operations

  • Ctrl Key + Q or ALT + Q or ALT + F4 : Quit Vlc Player.
  • Shift key + F1 : About
  • Ctrl Key + P : To open VLC preferences menu.
  • F1 Key : To get help
  • Ctrl Key + M : For message screen.
  • Ctrl Key + Shift + W : To get VLM Configuration.
  • Ctrl Key + E : Open Effects and Adjustments menu.
Playing Operations

  • N : Go to next track
  • P : Find Previous Track
  • S : Stop your playing movie.
  • Space Bar  : Play and Pause your video & music
  • P : Go & play from the beginning of your video & music.
  • Esc : Exit your VLC Player Full screen 
  • E : Can switch to next frame in vlc 
  • F or F11 or Mouse Double Click : On/Off - Full screen mode.
  • Ctrl Key + H : On/Off  -  minimum interface.
  • L : Loop off and one or all.
  • T : To get information about current and remaining time. 
  • Ctrl key + T : For specific time of a media.
  • R : Random on/off

  • G : Subtraction subtraction delay.
  • V : Cycle through your subtitles.
  • H : Can increase subtitle delay.

Playing Speed

  • [ : To Speed ​​reduction
  • = : For Normal playing speed.
  • ] : To  Increase playing speed.
Quick Forward and Backward
  • Shift Key + Right Arrow : To do 3 seconds forward.
  • Shift Key + Left Arrow : To do 3 seconds backward.
  • Alt Key + Right Arrow  : To do 10 seconds forward.
  • Alt Key + Left Arrow : To do 10 seconds backward.
  • Ctrl Key + Right Arrow : To do 1 minute forward.
  • Ctrl Key  + Left Arrow : To do 1 minute backward.
Display Options
  • A: Cycle aspect ratio
  • C : Cycle through crop your display area
  • O : You can switch to your original video size.
  • D : Interlace On and Off
  • W : On Wallpaper mode.
  • Z : Cycle through the zoom mode.

Sound and Audio Operations
  • Ctrl Key + Up Arrow or Mouse Scroll Up : For Volume Up of media
  • Ctrl Key + Down Arrow  or Mouse Scroll Down : For Volume Down of media.
  • J : Decrease your audio delay
  • K : Increase your audio delay
  • B : Cycle through your selected available audio track.
  • M : Can Mute your sound (ON/OFF)
  • Shift + A : Cycle through your audio devices.

VLC  Player Shortcuts

Media Information
  • Ctrl Key + I - Can edit your title, album, artist in media information.
  • Ctrl Key + J - To get information such as your media audio and video codecs and dimensions.

Playlist Operations
  • Ctrl Key + L : To return playlist or your media.
  • Ctrl Key + Y : Save your current playlist.
  • Ctrl Key + B :Can create, delete and clear bookmark menu.

Disc Operations
  • Shift key + B : To go next title
  • Shift key : To go previous title
  • Shift key+ H : For history forward.
  • Shift key + G : To history back
  • Shift key+ M : To Disk Menu.
  • Shift key+ N : To go next chapter.
  • Shift key + P : For previous chapter.
  • Shift key + R : You can start & stop your  recording.
  • Shift key+ S : To capture a  snapshot.
  • Alt+ C : Can crop from bottom.
  • Alt+ Shift key  + C :  Can Uncrop from the bottom.
  • Alt + D : Crop from left
  • Alt + Shift key  + D : To Un crop from left.
  • Alt + F : Crop from right
  • Alt + Shift key  + F : To Un crop from right.
  • Alt + R : Crop from top
  • Alt + Shift key  + R : Un crop from the top side.
File Menu Operations
  • Alt Key + A : To open your audio menu.
  • Alt Key+ H : For help
  • Alt Key + I : To get  view menu.
  • Alt Key + L : To playback menu.
  • Alt Key  + M : For media menu.
  • Alt Key + O : To tools menu
  • Alt Key + S : For subtitle menu.
  • Alt Key + V : For video menu

दोस्तों, हम VLC Media Player Shortcuts Updated  करते हैं यदि आपको इन शॉर्टकट में कुछ त्रुटि मिलती है तो कृपया हमें Comment करें। धन्यवाद

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