Adobe Acrobate Reader PDF software all keyboard shortcuts

दोस्तों, Adobe Reader हमेशा के लिए कंप्यूटर उपयोगकर्ता के लिए बहुत ही महत्वपूर्ण सॉफ्टवेयर है। यहां हमने आपको एडोब रीडर के सभी कीबोर्ड शॉर्टकट अपडेट किए हैं। हमें उम्मीद है कि ये कीबोर्ड शॉर्टकट आपके लिए उपयोगी होंगे।

Adobe Reader Keyboard Shortcuts

Key     Detail 

H - Hand tool

V - Select tool

Space Bar - Temporarily your select Hand tool.

G - Snap shot tool

R - Select an Object tool

O - Object Data tool

Ctrl - Temporarily zoom out.

A - Article tool

C - Crop tool

L - Link tool

Editing for adobe reader

Key   Detail 

Ctrl +A - Select your  complete content.

Ctrl + Shift +A - Deselect your complete content.

Ctrl + 0 - Fit page.

Navigating a PDF for Adobe Reader 8

Key   Detail 

Page Up - Previous screen.

Page Down - Next screen

Home Key or Shift + Ctrl+ Page Up or Shift+ Ctrl+ Up Arrow - First page.

End Key or Shift + Ctrl+ Page Down or Shift +Ctrl + Down Arrow - Last page.

Ctrl + (=) equal sign - Zoom in

Ctrl + hyphen (-) -Zoom out

Up Arrow - Scroll up

Down Arrow - Scroll down

Left Arrow or Ctrl + Page Up - Previous page

Right Arrow or Ctrl + Page Down -Next page

Alt + Left Arrow - Previous view

Alt + Right Arrow - Next view

Alt + Shift + Left Arrow - To Go Previous document.
Alt + Shift + Right Arrow - Next document

Acrobate Reader Short Cut Keys

General navigating for Adobe Reader 8

Key   Detail 

F9 - Show & hide menu bar

F10 - Focus to menus

F6 - Move to next tabbed page.

F5 - Move focus to document pane.

F10 - Close context menu

F3 - Move to your next search result
Shift +F8 - Move to toolbar in your browser.

Ctrl +F6 - Find Next open document.
Ctrl +F4 - Close all active document.

Ctrl+ Shift +F6 - To find Previous open document.

Ctrl +Shift +W - Close all active windows.

Shift +F6 -Move focus to your previous pane.
Tab Key - Move focus to next comment and link.

Ctrl + Right Arrow or Left Arrow - Select your next word.
Shift + Arrow keys -Select text

Ctrl+Tab -Move focus next tab
Space bar or Enter Key - Activate your selected tool & item.

Shift + F10 - Open context menu.

Shift + Tab - Move focus to previous comment and link.

Navigating the Help window

Key   Detail 

F1- For Help window

Tab Key - Move next link within a pane

Ctrl +W or Alt + F4 - Close Help window

Ctrl + Tab - Move between topic pane and navigation pane
Shift + Tab - Move the previous link within a pane

Adobe Reader - Working with navigation panels

नोट - सभी शॉर्टकट कुंजियाँ ऊपर दी गई समान हैं (Adobe Reader 8 के लिए सामान्य नेविगेटिंग)

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