Full Form List of Computer Related:2020 - Concepts All

Hello Friends, Today we are going to tell some full forms related to computer in this post.This is used in the exam to be done in the full forums competition as well as there are many tests in which it is useful.We are going to Update short name and Full Form list of Computer related-Concepts All A blog that Clear All Concepts.

Importance of Full forms

Compute (pc) is very essential and useful in our life and nowadays everyone is using a computer (PC) for various purposes. When you talk with other people related to the computer (PC) at that time we regularly use many computers related words in our life. There are so many people who can use the computer (PC) very well but they don't know full form of the computer’s every part eg CPU, BIOS, SATA, RAM, ROM, Wi Fi). so, Now we will discuss Computers related every full form.

ACPI - Advanced Configuration & Power Interface.

API - Application Programming Interface

APM - Advanced Power Management

BIOS - Basic Input Output System.

BPS - Bits Per Second

CD - Compact Disc

CD-R - Compact Disc Recoverable

CD-RW - Compact Disc Re-Writable.

CISC - Complex Instruction Set Computing.

COBOL - Common Business Oriented Language.

COM - Component Object Language

CPU - Central Processing Unit

Ctrl - Control

DDR [RAM] - Double Data Rate Random Access Memory. {DDRRAM}

DEL - Delete

DOS - Disk Operating System

DPI - Dots Per Inch

DSL - Digital Subscriber Line

DVD - Digital Video / Versatile Disc

DVDR - Digital Video Disc Record-able [DVD Record able].

EEPROM- Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory.

EGA - Enhanced Graphics Adaptor

EIDE - Enhanced Integrated Drive Electronics

ENIAC - Electronic Numerical Integrator And Calculator.

EPROM - Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory.

ESC - Escape

ESP - Enhanced Serial Port

FAT - File Allocation Table

FDD - Floppy Disk Drive

FTP -File Transfer Protocol

GIF - Graphic Interchange Format.

GUI - Graphic User Interface

Important full forms

HDD - Hard Disk Drive 

HTML - Hyper Text Markup Language.

HTTP - Hyper Text Transfer Protocol.

IC - Integrated Circuit

INS - Insert

IP - Internet Protocol

ISDN - Integrated Services Digital Network.

ISP -Internet Service Providers.

LAN - Local Area Network

MB - MegaBytes

MBR - Master Boot Record 

MODEM  - Modulator Demodulator

MSDOS - Microsoft Disk Operating System.

NFS - Network File System.

NIC - Network File System

NTFS - New Technology File System.

OS - Operating System.

PC - Personal Computer

POST - Power On Self Test

PPM - Pages Per Minute

PROM - Programmable Read Only Memory.

RAID -Redundant Array of Independent Disk.

RAM - Random Access Memory

RISC - Reduced Instruction Set Chip/ Computing.

ROM -Read Only Memory.

SATA - Serial Advanced Technology Attachment.

SCSI - Small Computer System Interface

SDRAM - Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory.

SRAM - Static Random Access Memory.

STP - Shielded Twisted Pair

URL - Uniform Resource Locator

USB - Universal Serial Bus

UTP - UnShielded Twisted Pair

VPN - Virtual Private Networks.

WORM -Write Once Read Many

Friends , Our team always try to submit new full from of computer related words in the above. but if you have any issue with them then please contact us by commenting. Or if you know any other full computer-related words so, please put the name and full form below in the comment box.

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